One Black Soldier Fly = Multiple Solutions

Oberland’s black soldier fly unlocks endless possibilities for a sustainable future. From nutrient-rich, eco-friendly feed for animals to frass—a natural soil amendment that regenerates our lands—this bio-driven technology is transforming how we nourish the planet. It is time we embraced its full potential as a nutritional supplement.

Oberland Agriscience leverages biology-fueled technology to set new standards in animal and soil health. Our black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) technology model integrates AI, robotics, and predictive analytics alongside existing manufacturing technologies to scale rapidly, effectively, and efficiently. Doing so enables us to deliver premium, nutritious, science-backed solutions for the demanding animal nutrition, agriculture, and soil health industries while minimizing the damage to our oceans and natural ecosystems. We believe that our food deserves a natural, nutritious diet so they are the healthiest option for pets, people, and our planet.
Grow Your Bottom Line, From The Ground Up
Estimated Impact of One Oberland Facility
CO2 Mitigated

20,797 T
Waste Diverted

36,500 T

1M Self Generated
Fish Left in Ocean

Innovate with Nature: advance soil, plant, and animal health while driving sustainability with BSFL.